J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning offers professional Land Use Planning and Development entitlement services throughout California. We welcome you to look further at some of the specific services our firm has to offer.
Our services include:
Site Planning:
- Development Plans
- Subdivision Design & Layout
Public Sector Planning:
- Special District Formation
- Municipal Review
- Housing Elements
- Planning and Technical Assistance for Grants
- CEQA Review and Compliance
- Project Management
Land Use Consultation:
- Entitlement Processing
- Forward Planning
- Improvement and Reimbursement Agreements
- Expert Witness Testimony
Environmental Planning:
- CEQA/NEPA Compliance Documents
- Mitigation Monitoring
- Peer Review
- Environmental Impact Study
On-Site Staffing Services:
- Assist with contract Planning Services
- Guide Agency Staff in the processing and management of current and advanced Planning Projects.
- Act as an extension of Public Agency Planning Staff providing management for the processing and implementation of various Development Applications including Tentative Maps, General Plan Amendments, Re-Zone Classifications, and Development Plans.
Project Team outsource capabilities to include Architecture and Engineering services.
For more information related to our services, please review our website, call our office at (209) 599-8377, or email us at info@jbandersonplanning.com.
Site Planning
Private Development Services
We offer advanced Land Planning and Consulting with efforts in association with:
- Specific Plans
- Area and Master Plan
Technical application processes are streamlined by our current knowledge of county/city standards and regulations and our relationships with Public Agency staff. This knowledge ensures that each project achieves its maximum development potential.
Some of our recent projects have been in the communities of Modesto, Riverbank, Oakdale, Ripon, Manteca, Tracy, Turlock, Lake Don Pedro, Los Banos, and Lathrop.
Subdivision Design & Layout
A good design is the foundation of any development. The ability to incorporate the Client’s project vision and meet the needs of the jurisdiction is crucial. By working with all interested parties, we are able to create a project design that works for the developer and community.
The steps in developing a good design can include:
- Conceptual Bubble Land Use Plans
- Preliminary Layouts
- Final Design
Public Sector Planning
Our Staff at J.B. Anderson Planning continues to provide key advanced and current planning services for a number of Cities and Counties in the State of California including Waterford, Oakdale, Riverbank, Ceres, Lathrop, Los Banos, Ripon, Calaveras County and Mariposa County. We are committed to understanding the service needs of our Clients and to providing innovative ideas and insight to solving key project and policy related issues and concerns. We are capable of providing a high degree of competent planning knowledge to any task and are often sought by Public agencies to share examples of regulations and conditions to apply to local concerns.
J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning offers a wide array of Land Use Services.
Listed below is just a portion of the services offered:
- Due Diligence Review
- Specific Plans
- Subdivision Design
- Forward Planning
- Preliminary Site Design
- Municipal Services Review
- Housing Elements
- CEQA Review and Compliance
- Air Quality Permitting
- Planning and Technical Assistance for Grants
- Land Planning and Zoning
- Entitlement Processing
- Tentative Subdivision Maps
- Special District Formation
- Subdivision/Development Agreements
- Plan Development Application Processing
- Expert Witness Testimony
- Development Plans
- Improvement & Reimbursement Agreements
- Budget Review

Special District Formation
J.B. Anderson has played an integral role in the development of various Landscape and Lighting Districts, Community Facilities Districts, Areas of Benefit and County Service Areas. Each jurisdiction has its own unique way of handling the funding of basic public maintenance obligations. We are an excellent source of knowledge when it comes to special district formation and the proper administration of budgets, annual Engineers reports, reports to the County Assessor’s Office and compliance with SB 218.

Municipal Services Review
In order to represent a reasonable expansion of services to new areas, a report of services needs to be developed and approved by the Local Agency Formation Commission. We have had the pleasure of providing this service through Public disclosure documentation with the Cities of Escalon, Lathrop, Ripon and Riverbank.

Housing Elements
J.B. Anderson Planning is a full service planning firm who is aware and capable of preparing a whole host of public policy documents such as Housing Elements. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Anderson has been involved with the development, modification and interpretation of several Housing Elements. We are currently engaged in the update of the existing Housing Elements for Mariposa County, the Cities of Waterford, Ceres and Riverbank.

Planning and Technical Assistance for Grants
For more than 15 years, Mr. Anderson has applied for, managed and successfully closed over 30 grants, which allowed for such things as downtown beautification, economic development strategies, housing stock inventories, safe routes to school and the like. We are aware of the grant criteria and are capable of clearly articulating opportunities to any Public agency.

CEQA Review and Compliance
Environmental review and compliance services are available for projects in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Our Staff is experienced and knowledgeable of the CEQA Statutes and Guidelines, and has recently completed Initial Studies/Negative Declarations for the Cities of Los Banos, Riverbank, Stanislaus County and Monterey Park Tract CSD. Our Staff can assist Public and Private Agencies in the preparation and completion of CEQA documents in accordance with State Law.
Private Sector Planning
Entitlement Processing
Securing essential project entitlements requires the processing of various applications including Annexation, Rezone, General Plan Amendments, Specific Plans, Tentative and Final Subdivision Maps. This process can be time-consuming and difficult to monitor; our firm can minimize delays and act as project manager handling all aspects of the project.
Our experience of 30 years enables us to ensure that all required permits and applications are properly filled out, processed, and completed to avoid delays.
The relationships and knowledge acquired from years of working with various Public offices to make the entitlement process go smoothly aids our Clients in the completion of their development projects.
Forward Planning
A thorough Due Diligence investigation provides the necessary information to make an educated decision on the feasibility of a project. These Due Diligence reports may include:
- Budgets Analysis Review
- Risk Assessment with Entitlements
- Permitting by Government Agencies
- Project Mitigation Issues
Improvement and Reimbursement Agreements
Many times our Clients are aware of the reimbursements owed for master improvements installed, but local jurisdictions make the process of identification and tracking extremely difficult. Because we are involved with Due Diligence and Entitlement Processing, we can easily identify the process to ensure complete reimbursement for our Clients. J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning takes pride in looking at every detail to minimize our Client’s efforts in this process. Over the years, we have managed and secured millions of reimbursable dollars for our Clients and look forward to putting our experience to work for you.
Air Quality Permitting
J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning offers a full range of Air Quality Permitting for projects located within the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD), including Authority to Construct (ATC) Permits, and Permit to Operate (PTO). Our Staff has prepared and processed numerous ATC and PTO Permits for a range of Agricultural and Industrial Projects located within the Central Valley, and is well-versed in the SJVAPCD Rules and Regulations regarding industrial equipment and facilities. Our Staff has developed a great working relationship with SJVAPCD Staff which allows us to streamline the ATC and PTO Permit process for our Clients.
Ethanol Transfer Station, Modesto Empire and Traction Company, Modesto, CA
On behalf of the Modesto Empire and Traction Company, J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning prepared and processed ATC Permit Applications with the SJVAPCD for the construction and operation of an Ethanol Transfer Station located in the Beard Industrial Park, City of Modesto. The ATC Permit Applications prepared contemplated the transfer devices used to transfer ethanol from Rail Car to Diesel Truck. J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning successfully obtained ATC Permits and worked with SJVACPD to identify applicable Best Available Control Technologies.
Glass Recycling Strategic Materials, Inc., Modesto, CA
On behalf of Strategic Materials, Inc., J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning prepared and processed ATC Permit Applications for the development of a glass recycling facility located in the Beard Industrial Park, City of Modesto. The ATC Permit Applications processed by the SJVAPCD allowed for the recycling of up to 175,000 tons of glass per year, and contemplated Best Available Control Technologies for Hopper and Vacuum equipment used to crush and clean incoming glass.
Food Processing Facility, Cascade Specialties, Merced, CA
J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning has been recently retained by Cascade Specialties, Inc. to prepare and process ATC Permit Applications to allow for the development of an agricultural food processing facility located in the City of Merced. J.B. Anderson Land Use Planning Staff managed the processing of various ATC Permits required for this project to allow for the variety of equipment installation and operation ATC Permits were approved by the SJVACP in the Fall of 2012.
Expert Witness Testimony
Over the past 30 years, Mr. Anderson has provided expert witness services to a whole host of Private and Public Clients.
The cases have involved right-of-way issues for electrical transmission lines, roadways and development matters. Information supplied by Mr. Anderson has provided invaluable knowledge to the legal and appraisal team concerning Land Use restrictions and probable development risks and time-frames. Anderson has performed Expert Witness Testimony and has qualified in the Counties of Sacramento, San Joaquin and Stanislaus.